Operation School Bell is a program dedicated toward helping prepare children for school who demonstrate financial need. We promote self-esteem to students from kindergarten through sixth grade with new clothes (uniforms for uniform schools), health kits and school supplies.  Volunteers from Assistance League have fitted close to 1000 students annually since 1969. Qualified students are served through referrals from personnel in nineteen schools of the  Santa Barbara, Hope and Carpinteria school districts. In addition, Las Aletas, an auxiliary branch of Assistance League, serves 600 students from ten schools in the  Goleta School district. In 2007, we began an outreach program with the Santa Maria school district which included fitting over 300 more students from thirteen schools in the  Santa Maria-Guadalupe school district.

Goleta (Las Aletas)

Serving the Goleta Union School District and Head Start program, Las Aletas’ Operation School Bell® provides new clothing, books, backpacks, school supplies, toiletries and PayLess shoe vouchers to needy children. Referred by school liaisons and social workers, our services help children arrive in the classroom with improved self-esteem and better prepared to succeed. Started in 1979 and located in a bungalow behind the Goleta Valley Community Center, Las Aletas’ Operation School Bell® outfits more than 600 local children each year.

North County

In 2009 ALSB collaborated with the North County San Luis Obispo to assist the areas between us (geographically) with the OSB opportunities because there was great need and no Assistance league in those areas.

Santa Barbara / Carpinteria

Operation School Bell is a program dedicated toward helping prepare children for school who demonstrate financial need. We promote self-esteem to students from kindergarten through sixth grade with new clothes (uniforms for uniform schools), health kits and school supplies. Volunteers from Assistance League have fitted close to 1000 students annually since 1969. Qualified students are served through referrals from personnel in nineteen schools of the Santa Barbara, Hope and Carpinteria school districts.