






Member Sign-in
EIN: 95-2094202

We rely on your Generous Donations for our Program Funding

Assistance League of Santa Barbara is a 501(c)(3) corporation, we seek funds from contributions and grants. The funds are used for our philanthropic programs. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations may be made at any time by cash, check payable to Assistance League of Santa Barbara, Visa or Mastercard, or simply click the "Donate" button to the right.

Our 501(c)(3) EIN is:  95-2094202

Donations of new and used items ranging from clothing to furniture are gratefully accepted during business hours at the Assistance League Thrift Shop located at our Chapter headquarters, 1259 Veronica Springs Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (see map below for location)


Visit our Facebook page for more information about our beautiful shop and our current events !


Our Store hours are Monday, Wednesday

and Saturday  10AM -2PM.

NOTE: We may close on special days and Holidays, please call our shop to verify we are open, We will have a recorded message if there is a closure.

Shop phone number: (805) 687-9717

Shop email:


For all other inquires, email us at:

or call our Offices at: (805) 898-1967

Vision Statement: Improve lives of residents in Santa Barbara County by providing financial, educational, and social support to children and adults in need.

Mission Statement: Assistance league of Santa Barbara is a nonprofit all-volunteer organization that develops and implements programs to benefit children and adults in Santa Barbara County.

A Chapter of National Assistance League (